Monday, January 16, 2012

Troll Hunter (2010)

This is another movie that kind of surprised me at being a lot better than anticipate. You know what I’m talking about you hear about a movie from a friend that sounds like its going to be awful and its not. Not only that its very entertaining. That the case with Troll Hunter. Warning though if you can’t find a copy that isn’t dubbed, you will have to settle for subtitled as this is a movie made in Norway. The basic story shows a group of Norwegian college students who begin to follow what they believe is a poacher around. Then they find out that he is actually a government sanctioned Troll hunter. Who’s job is to keep the Trolls in line and hunt and kill those who stray out of their zones, or too close to humans. The rest of the movie follows the students and they film the hunter. Who has grown tired of the job, large risk, low pay and no respect and he wants to expose the truth. One of the constants in the film is how the director truly captures the beauty and scenery of Norway. From the waterfalls, beautiful lakes and streams to the extreme frozen wasteland in which the film ends.The Trolls themselves are shockingly well done and very believable. They are also very funny at times, mixed in with a savage brutality that you should expect as if seeing them for real. I recommend this to the most rabid of horror fans, and to the ordinary fans who are just looking for a good tale to pass the time. 7 out of 10

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